The Orange County Triathlon Partners with the Hirshberg Foundation!

Brandon Walters of Gemini Timing has been a part of the Orange County Triathlon for the past seven years.   Now, with his new company Five Point Productions, he is the owner of the Orange County Triathlon. Brandon was looking for his next step in the race industry and when it turned out a race date had already been set for June 3rd, it was kismet for the date of the Orange County Triathlon 2018 falls on his father Richard’s birthday.

In December 2016, Brandon’s seemingly healthy dad Richard was rushed to the hospital with what initially seemed like symptoms of an ear infection but turned out to be a T.I.A (a minor stroke). Once in the emergency room he mentioned that he was short of breath, which resulted in a full body scan. The doctors found blood clots which led them to a diagnosis nobody expected, Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer.  

Because of his partnerships in the running industry through Gemini Timing, Brandon had done races with the Hirshberg Foundation, founded by Agi Hirshberg in honor of her late husband Ronald S. Hirshberg, who passed away from Pancreatic Cancer and he reached out for help. He and his family were overwhelmed by their generosity. Brandon would receive weekly, sometimes daily calls to check on not only Brandon and his father but the entire family and offer their support. Agi and her team at the Hirshberg Foundation helped Brandon’s family through the uncertainty of this horrible disease.

Unfortunately, in April 2017 Richard Walters passed away. Agi and The Hirshberg Foundation have continued to be a support system to this day.   When Brandon took on the Orange County Triathlon he saw this as the perfect opportunity to give back to the people who had helped his family so much as well as raise awareness and funds for research in the hopes that one day Pancreatic Cancer can be eradicated.

This is your opportunity as well to combat this awful disease. Very little is known about pancreatic cancer and it is often called a silent killer. There are not “routine screens” or tests, and very few symptoms that make Pancreatic Cancer the obvious diagnosis. Help us to end Pancreatic Cancer by donating today.

Thank you.

World Pancreatic Cancer Day

November 17, 2016, is a day we will unite and make our voices heard. In the battle against pancreatic cancer, we will show the world we are in it together.

According to a global survey, 60 percent of people know “almost nothing” about pancreatic cancer. It’s time to elevate the global conversation.

We will come together to draw attention to pancreatic cancer and highlight the need for greater awareness, funding and research – and most importantly, create a brighter future for people around the globe.

World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition

Never has a group been more passionate and committed to fighting for our patients! An astounding 58 organizations based in 24 countries across the globe have partnered in an effort to inform and educate the public, share ideas, offer support & resources, and most importantly collaborate. Members of the WPCC are acutely aware of the obstacles patients and families face, because they too have been personally impacted by the disease. As the coalition grows, we have great hopes that the pancreatic cancer movement will thrive and change lives.

Collectively, the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition members are working to:

  • Advance research
  • Educate patients and the medical community
  • Provide genetic testing resources
  • Share clinical trial information
  • Facilitate community outreach
  • Improve patient care & services

What you can do in November, Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month:

  1. Throughout November and on November 17, take a picture with friends, family and colleagues to show we are in it together.
  2. Use #HirshbergFoundation #WPCD and tag @hirshbergfoundation and @worldpancreatic so your posts can be seen.
  3. Share your story to help us raise awareness in November and year round.
  4. Don’t forget to wear purple!

Hero Stories

Every day the Hirshberg Foundation is inspired by extraordinary stories shared by survivors and families deeply affected by pancreatic cancer. Sharing insight into your personal experience could make all the difference for a family facing a cancer diagnosis today and give our doctors and researchers a glimpse into the lives of those who support and fund their work.

Share Your Story »


“My mom’s a fiercely independent woman who did so much on her own so this has been quite an adjustment. Like so many other pancreatic cancer patients has had to adjust to her new normal. I am thankful for each and every moment shared with my mother and pray that scientists will soon find a cure for this horrible disease.”
– Melissa, daughter

Lupe Romero

“I know what I face. This cancer can do whatever it wants to my body but it will never touch my heart or my soul; it will never change who I am and I will not allow it to take away my joy. On the good days and the bad days I inhale life to the fullest!”
– Lupe


“Our mother’s diagnosis of pancreatic cancer has been difficult but her spirit is strong. We have been presented with some of the most unimaginable circumstances but she has given us the room to laugh, love and live gracefully.”

– Ricci & Robin, daughters

November 13th is World Pancreatic Cancer Day

What is World Pancreatic Cancer Day?

  • World Pancreatic Cancer Day was established to mobilize a global effort and raise the profile of pancreatic cancer focusing on the need for urgent change!
  • The goal is to raise awareness and further educate all pancreatic organizations and their supporters on an international scale.
  • The first ever World Pancreatic Cancer has been driven by leaders of pancreatic cancer organizations across the globe.
  • Learn more about pancreatic cancer and how the Hirshberg Foundation is battling back.

This November join us as we Pledge. Share. Wear.

Welcome to November! To kick off

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, we are launching our newest purple campaign, Pledge Share Wear. Here are three simple and easy ways for you to join our fight this month and raise awareness about this disease. In honor of the nearly
49,000 people that will be diagnosed this year, help us build an army of pancreatic cancer survivors able to speak out and advocate for more research. It couldn’t be any easier! Join us all month long as we Pledge. Share. Wear.

Pledge Purple
We know you are committed to the fight against pancreatic cancer, now voice that dedication/perseverance by pledging purple! Your pledge is a personal commitment to stand against this disease and be a voice for all those who have lost the battle to pancreatic cancer. It can be a small step or a giant leap, whatever you commit to will have the power to change lives.

Share Purple
You are committed to changing the face of pancreatic cancer; now share your passion with others. Once you’ve taken the pledge, be sure to share it with your friends, family, community and the world! When we join together to raise awareness, our voices can be heard. Share your story, share why you support, share how this disease has touched you – the more we speak up, the louder we will be heard.

Wear Purple
This one’s the easiest and we know you have purple in your closet! This month ask others to join you and wear purple together. Snap a photo of your purple party, whether it’s at school, in the office, at your community center, the gym or just your household. Show off your purple duds and share your dedication to fight pancreatic cancer wherever you go.

This month is all about making our voices heard. Be sure to tag all your posts with #pledgepurple2015 or email your photo or story to us so we can share them too! Here’s to a very purple November!

Event Spotlight – Drifting For A Cure

By Elissa Oblath

The beauty of our 3rd party event program is seeing all the wonderful, ingenious ways our supporters find ways to help us raise pancreatic cancer awareness. No one demonstrates that more than Mitchell Tan.

Mitchell contacted us this summer with the idea to wrap his drift car to raise pancreatic cancer awareness. There was a resounding, “Of course! But what is drifting?” Mitchell, a young driver with dedication, patiently explained practicing turns and perfecting donuts. (It is a lot like the driving featured in The Fast & The Furious movies.) Many people in the sport use parts from providers like Low Offset to help ensure peak performance, as modification is nearly mandatory to have a competitive edge.

Mitchell isn’t just passionate about drifting; he’s motivated to make a difference. Mitchell and MTRacing are dedicated to honoring the memory of Mitchell’s uncle Rudyard. “If there was one thing I’ve learned when [Rudyard] was around it was to never give up, and to keep on keepin’ on,” something Mitchell remembers when he’s drifting. If you’re wanting to start drifting you might be interested in this ae86 for sale Houston, the ae86 is apparently one of the most iconic drift cars available!

Once Mitchell had his car wrapped with our logo and a giant purple ribbon along its length, he set up a fund to share his story. Mitchell’s desire to raise awareness shines through his emails and his enthusiasm is contagious. Luckily the LA Cancer Challenge was around the corner and we realized Mitchell and his car would be the perfect addition.

Mitchell’s car was part of our 2014 LACC Fit Family Expo, where he was “able to share [his] story, and give exposure to the team in… a broader perspective.” Mitchell reminds us “that no matter what, even in the absence of a loved one… we can keep striving.” Mitchell is excited to raise pancreatic cancer awareness in the drift community, “we are reaching out to a whole new society… and showing our family that even after death, there is still a fight to be won.”

When asked about the future, Mitchell is quick to state, “I feel this is a start of not only a new campaign, but a life-long mission of raising awareness that I hope to carry with me while I compete in Formula Drift Pro/Am and on out road to the Formula Drift Pro series. We hope to impact people’s lives, and to have a positive impact on others the way the community has [had] on our team, and to give back. The 2015 season has a lot in store for us, and we are more than happy to have this great cause with us every step of the way.”

Event Spotlight – 6 Years and Going Strong! Thrill In Da-Ville 5K

By Janet Francis

The 6th Annual Thrill In Da-Ville 5K was held on Saturday, August 30th 2014 and there was quite a turn out with faces new and old… or should I say veteran faces! This was the first year with our very own banner! And have I mentioned over $15,000 has been raised so far?

We tossed t-shirts after the medal presentations and “Tribble Funnies Awards,” and the raffle was HUGE! Congratulations to all who participated and a very heartfelt thank you to all who sponsored this event or made a donation.

I am humbled by the outpouring of love from everyone who came to help us celebrate the life of two very special people: Nancy Tribble and Larry Lindquist. Thanks to everyone for your help with this most worthy cause.

Set your calendars! September 5, 2015 is the 7th Annual Thrill In Da-Ville 5K in Dawsonville, Georgia! #ThrillInDaVille2015