An Artist, a Hero and My Father

In 2019, Julie Weiss, Hirshberg Foundation Ambassador and ‘Marathon Goddess’, began running 52 Races for 52 Faces in a year-long challenge to raise awareness for pancreatic cancer. Every race included a special dedication. Survivors and loved ones shared stories of hope, love, loss and resilience. Together, they showed the journey of patients and the people who love them. This is one of the heartfelt Never Give Up stories shared.

By: Sheccid Huesca, Daughter

My father was an artist that had natural born talent, he continues to be an idol to me. No matter how much time he had, he never lost sight of his family and his love for us. He was a 2-year pancreatic cancer survivor. He was and will always be special because he was a caring father, communicative with his emotions and he helped guide me through personal experiences in life. I will always miss him.


Stories from families & friends touched by pancreatic cancer often show the resilience and courage of the human spirit. Loved ones dedicate their time and effort every day to fight for a cancer-free future and every journey helps pave the way to a cure. Share your story, make a dedication and help raise awareness today.

I Hope I’m Just Like Her

In 2019, Julie Weiss, Hirshberg Foundation Ambassador and ‘Marathon Goddess’, began running 52 Races for 52 Faces in a year-long challenge to raise awareness for pancreatic cancer. Every race included a special dedication. Survivors and loved ones shared stories of hope, love, loss and resilience. Together, they showed the journey of patients and the people who love them. This is one of the heartfelt Never Give Up stories shared.

Santa Monica Classic 2019

By: Marianne Ricci

My mother, Anna Ricci, was a giver. She truly loved God, her family and her friends. She had a great sense of humor and could laugh at herself and make others laugh. She always knew how to make people feel special and cared for. She made us all feel loved. She loved Christmas and decorating; she gave great presents and always made us feel special on our birthdays too. She enjoyed the beach and was a kid at heart when she was at the boardwalk in Wildwood, New Jersey. It was one of her favorite places.

When I got pregnant with my daughter, she was later born premature and with a birth defect. Being a single mom, my parents were always there for us. My mom drove me to the hospital every day to visit my daughter until she was discharged and sent home with me. My parents took us in so my mom could help me care for Beka every day. She drove me around because she insisted I not drive so I could heal properly. When we finally returned home, my mom helped us with groceries every week and did so many things to help us. Rather than judge me for being a single mother, she loved us, helped out and spoiled my daughter. That meant the world to me. I hope that I’m just like her and that I’ve made her proud of me.

My mom was always taking care of everyone around her. She was very active in her churches and involved in ministry. She and my dad held Bible studies at their home every Friday night. They had some real characters that came each Friday. We jokingly called them the misfits because some people may have thought them unlovable but my mom love unconditionally and they seemed to gravitate to her. She was a great listener and always had a pot of coffee and treats to offer. Both of my parents always prayed for others. They had a prayer jar that they asked people to put in their prayer requests each week, or if my parents knew someone was sick or going through a tough time, she would add them into the prayer jar. She was a woman of faith.

My mom was diagnosed in July of 2004 with pancreatic and lung cancer. When she was sick and her body was failing her, and she couldn’t walk without assistance, she would lay in her bed and pray for others. She took that prayer jar and just went through it and kept praying for all those people and their needs. That really affected me. I was the one who was blessed to take care of her in her last days, so I saw her character come out. She could have been complaining, she could have been angry at God but she laid on her bed and prayed for the needs of others. I don’t know how many people would do that but my mom did. I’ll never forget that about her.


Stories from families & friends touched by pancreatic cancer often show the resilience and courage of the human spirit. Loved ones dedicate their time and effort every day to fight for a cancer-free future and every journey helps pave the way to a cure. Share your story, make a dedication and help raise awareness today.

A Life of Love, Joy and Adventure

In 2019, Julie Weiss, Hirshberg Foundation Ambassador and ‘Marathon Goddess’, began running 52 Races for 52 Faces in a year-long challenge to raise awareness for pancreatic cancer. Every race included a special dedication. Survivors and loved ones shared stories of hope, love, loss and resilience. Together, they showed the journey of patients and the people who love them. This is one of the heartfelt Never Give Up stories shared.

By: Kim Knott

My long-time friend Dan Czarnecki was a kindhearted man with a big smile. He was always quick to laugh and was such a pleasure to be around.

Dan grew up in Greenfield, Massachusetts and graduated from Oklahoma State University. After moving to San Diego, he specialized in architectural design and drafting for decades. He was devoted to his wife and best friend Jan for 35 years. Together, they were two of the most active people I have ever known, spending time snow skiing, sailing, rollerblading, playing softball and volleyball. Dan was also an avid home brewer, baseball and football fan.

Dan kept a positive attitude and fought pancreatic cancer until he passed away on July 22, 2019. We lost him at the much too young age of 69 and he will be deeply missed.


Stories from families & friends touched by pancreatic cancer often show the resilience and courage of the human spirit. Loved ones dedicate their time and effort every day to fight for a cancer-free future and every journey helps pave the way to a cure. Share your story, make a dedication and help raise awareness today.

Finding Your Voice to Inspire, Motivate and Never Give Up

By: James Kirkpatrick

My name is James, I live in Los Angeles and my affiliation with the Hirshberg Foundation goes back 10 years now. In 2010, my son Christopher and a few friends participated in our first LA Cancer Challenge 5k Run. The LACC would become a run my mother would ask us to participate in every year, not knowing that later in life, I would be honoring my best friend and mother Dorothy who passed from pancreatic cancer in 2017.

My mother kept her diagnosis of having cancer to herself for years, not letting family nor friends know of her health condition and battle. She would complain about lower back aches and her appetite for food changed rapidly one year before her death. For 6 years my mother was also my grandmother’s caretaker which put a strain on my mothers’ health too. My grandmother Viola passed at the age of 100 in 2016. My mother’s health changed rapidly during this time. It was the fall of 2016 and she was visiting my sister in Atlanta, GA when she suffered a heart attack. Doctors ran many tests and discovered that her liver was not strong and found signs of cancer. With more tests, the doctor’s diagnosis was that her pancreas had all the signs of cancer. She was at stage 4. My mother was so ill she wasn’t able to return home to California. January 1, 2017 my mother lost her battle to pancreatic cancer. Christmas and the holidays have become very hard for me since.

After the loss of my mother I became more aware of the high risks African Americans face and how important it is to seek help. High blood pressure is prevalent in my family history. As well as different forms of cancer. I feel a need to express to people of color how pancreatic cancer can go undiagnosed if certain health issues are not presented to physicians. My mother decided to keep silent, and because of that it’s truly been a loss and a deep hole missing from my heart. Her cancer could have been prevented.

I also feel it’s going to take people like myself to continue to tell my story of my loss and NEVER GIVE UP the fight. I’ve shed a light on this disease with many friends and family, sharing what the Hirshberg Foundation Pancreatic Research is doing to crush this cancer out. I hope to see more outreach in the urban community as I continue to raise awareness amongst my running community. For 3 years now I’ve brought my running family, Movement Runners, to run the LACC 5K and walk/run for a cure.

When someone you love is dealing with cancer you learn more about yourself. What you’re made of and the strength you have to live for them as well as yourself. You learn what’s important and not to waste time. You find your voice to inspire, motivate and never give up.


Stories from survivors, families & friends touched by pancreatic cancer show the resilience and courage of the human spirit. We dedicate our time and effort each day to fight for a cancer-free future. Every story and every journey helps pave the way to that cure. Share your story, make a dedication and help raise awareness today.

A2A Designs Gives Back Throughout November While Helping You Raise Awareness

Friends Alli, age 11, and Avery, age 12, started A2A Designs during the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to give back to their community. They began creating mask chains for friends and family as a fun and stylish way to keep their masks handy while running errands and walking the dog. With an emphasis on supporting essential workers, each month they chose a different non-profit organization and donate a portion of their sales. For November, A2A Designs has partnered with the Hirshberg Foundation to help raise pancreatic cancer awareness with a collection of special purple mask chains.

We are excited to partner with these young entrepreneurs to help raise pancreatic cancer awareness in style! As November community partner for A2A Designs, Alli & Avery will be donating half of their monthly profits to the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research. In addition, they have specially designed two purple chains, the Never Give Up and Purple Power, that will continue to give back towards research & patient support services.

Order your mask chains online »

We are excited to have Alli & Avery join us at our Flower Truck Pop Up for World Pancreatic Cancer Day on November 19th. Plus, each mask chain purchased that day will come with a free Never Give Up mask. Learn more and add it to your calendar »

Viola Floral Shares the Beauty of Purple

Jelena Trifunovic and her mom Ljubica Stankovic, were introduced to the Hirshberg Foundation through our Patient & Family Support Services. Since we connected with them, Jelena has become a friend and longtime supporter.

In March 2013, Ljubica Stankovic, better known to friends as Luby, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In April, she underwent a Whipple procedure and it was during her subsequent hospital stay that her daughter, Jelena, contacted us for resources. In February of 2014, Luby & Jelena attended 10th Annual Symposium and we were fortunate to meet them in person.

Through correspondence and checking in on Luby, Jelena shared, “We are very grateful for each day. Within our family, my mom has earned the nickname ‘Jaka Baka,’ which in Serbian means ‘brave grandma.’ We have gained an incredible, invaluable network of friends through the Hirshberg Foundation and Cancer Support Community.” Her mom chimed in, saying, “It’s not easy…but every morning my motto is ‘Life is beautiful!’”

While Luby is no longer with us, Jelena keeps her memory and spirit alive through her designs at Viola Floral. Jelena’s journey to become a florist began with her childhood love for nature. Growing up, she spent countless holidays and family events arranging flowers in the kitchen with her mom. It was there, sipping wine, laughing and sharing stories, that her passion bloomed. Although Jelena’s mom is no longer beside her, their bond and the joy from that kitchen lives on through her floral creations at Viola Floral. For Jelena, Viola Floral pays homage to the women who raise and uplift us, through all walks of life. Like flowers, they continually remind us to live in full bloom.

Viola Floral is doing our part to shine a light on pancreatic cancer by offering a gorgeous purple arrangement paying homage to the women who raise and uplift us, through all walks of life. 50% of the profits from each sale of a “Hopeful Blooms” floral arrangement will benefit the Hirshberg Foundation. Place an order for delivery in Los Angeles and Orange County areas today!

Viola Floral currently delivers to the Los Angeles and Orange County areas.

Order Today »

To find out more about the Patient and Family Services we offer, please contact Amy Reiss at (310) 473-5121.