Dedicate this November to Help Raise Pancreatic Cancer Awareness

“Dedicate” is the heart of our campaign and asks you to share how this disease has touched your life for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. Making a dedication this November represents our commitment to raise awareness, educate our communities and share our stories to inspire others to join the fight for a cure.

Our stories express the devastating impact this disease can have but they can also inspire hope and show the resilience and courage of the human spirit. We dedicate our time and effort to fighting for a cancer-free future and our stories help share that journey. Join us by sharing your story, reading the inspiring tributes from others, and making a dedication that will make a difference. November is a month to celebrate our long-term survivors and lend strength to those who are currently battling this disease.

Dedicate yourself to making an impact for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month!


Read inspiring tributes from our supporters, doctors, participants, and survivors. These accounts show the resilience and courage of the human spirit while helping raise awareness. Let their stories inspire you to share your own.

never give up

Read inspiring tributes from our supporters, doctors, participants and survivors. Let their stories inspire you to share your own

You Can HELP Funds

Dedicate a You Can H.E.L.P. Fund to a loved one. Our Fund pages allow you to share your story of remembrance, celebration, or tribute while you fundraise. Plus, it’ll be available for you to return to year after year.

Planned Giving

Make a bequest in your will and you ensure a legacy of giving that continues beyond your lifetime. A planned gift provides future funding for critical pancreatic cancer research and patient services.

Join us in our dedication to finding a cure for pancreatic cancer and we will never give up.