Event Spotlight – Catching Up With the 6th Annual Dal Bon Memorial Golf Tournament

By Sarah Banks

In 2012, we featured a story about Brad Dal Bon and the annual golf tournament his family hosts in memory of both his parents. We are happy to share that just two years later, the Dal Bon Memorial Golf Tournament has raised nearly $30,000! The event has become a tradition and a way for their family to “catch up on a yearly basis.” Brad and his wife Amy organize the golf tournament for 75 golfers, plan activities for the day of and collect raffle prizes from community sponsors all in midst of their busy lives with two sons. Their commitment is being passed on, “Having our sons see how passionate we are about this helps them want to get involved in the future,” writes Brad. And it isn’t just the Dal Bon family that has been inspired. “The community involvement with sponsors, golfers and friends has been amazing.” In regards to next year, Brad states, “Obviously, the cause is very important… We are just looking forward to year 7! “