Supportive Care

Cancer of the pancreas and its treatment can lead to other health problems. You can have supportive care before, during, and after cancer treatment. Supportive care is treatment to control pain and other symptoms, to relieve the side effects of therapy, and to help you cope with the feelings that a diagnosis of cancer can bring. You may receive supportive care to prevent or control these problems and to improve your comfort and quality of life during treatment.

Learning that you have cancer of the pancreas can change your life and the lives of those close to you. These changes can be hard to handle. It’s normal for you, your family, and your friends to need help coping with the feelings that a diagnosis of cancer can bring. Concerns about treatments and managing side effects, hospital stays, and medical bills are common. You may also worry about caring for your family, keeping your job, or continuing daily activities. We are here to provide you with resources to help manage both the physical and emotional journey.


If the tumor in the pancreas grows large enough to squeeze the common bile duct or block the duodenum, your health care team can suggest ways to help.

Pain Control

Cancer of the pancreas and its treatment may lead to pain. Your doctor or a specialist in pain control can suggest ways to relieve or reduce pain.


Nutrition is an important part of your care. Getting the right nutrition can help you feel better and have more strength.


Medicinal cannabis has been used by cancer patients to help with symptoms ranging from nausea and loss of appetite to depression and anxiety.

Palliative Care

An often-overlooked resource for those facing pancreatic cancer, or any serious illness, is palliative care.