Remembering a Beloved Father at the Sean R. Sanner 5K

Across the country, Purple Ribbon Events have helped raised thousands of dollars for pancreatic cancer research and patient programs each year. From game days to a walk/run, chili cook-off or golf tournament, ideas and themes are explored to best honor a loved one and to raise awareness in the community. In March of this year, the first-ever Sean R. Sanner 5K was hosted by a daughter paying tribute to her dad on what would have been his 50th birthday. These are the Purple Ribbon Events that make the biggest impact for a family, loved ones and the larger community. Let by her love for her father, Madison Sanner raised nearly $15,000 for pancreatic cancer research and patient support services!

In March of 2020, Sean Sanner was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer. After a devastating loss, his daughter set her heart on celebrating his life and legacy. “I wanted to do something that would bring honor to him because his 50th birthday was the first one without him, and the idea popped into my head and ran with it.” Shared Madison.  She shared the message #SannerStrong on social media as she invited loved ones to participate. After 7 long and brutal months of watching her father fight pancreatic cancer, “I wanted to do something that would bring honor to him because his 50th birthday was the first one without him.

On March 19th, Madison’s family and friends gathered in Lafayette, California, wearing purple and ready to walk for her dad. Proving that we can all take the time to honor a loved one and celebrate them here and now, Madison shared, “The whole thing almost didn’t happen. There was a lot going on in my family, and it became overwhelming, but I pushed through and am so happy I did. It ended up all working out and the day of was incredible!” As she saw everyone in their matching shirts, she was moved to know it was all for him. Some favorite event day moments included seeing people from different areas of her life. “My dad was all about giving back, and it doesn’t always need to be in ways that people see, but to just know you can make an impact in someone’s life.” Joined by loved ones, Madison hosted an event her community will never forget.

Make a Donation to the Sean R. Sanner 5K >


Before the seasons grow warm, begin planning an outdoor event to bring your family and friends together and make an impact in someone else’s life. Try an activity you enjoy or honor a loved one with one of their favorite pass times. Options are limitless with opportunities to host an in-person event, online activity or a Facebook fundraiser benefiting pancreatic cancer research! We’ll provide a checklist, tools and tips to support you.