Research Publications from the Hirshberg Translation Laboratory in 2023

The Ronald S. Hirshberg Translational Pancreatic Cancer Research Laboratory is a cornerstone of our research program, the first at UCLA to be solely dedicated to investigating the driving forces and biology of pancreatic cancer. Dr. Guido Eibl’s research program is consistently funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and continues to deepen our understanding of the intricate ways that diet, obesity and inflammation can accelerate tumor development.

We applaud Dr. Eibl and his lab and look forward to sharing more of the progress being made through their projects.

Publications from the Translational Laboratory in 2023

Low dose combination treatment with metformin and simvastatin inhibits obesity-promoted pancreatic cancer development in male KrasG12D mice. Scientific Reports 2023;13(1):16144 (PMCID: PMC10522691) (* dual first authorship)
Y.Teper*, L.Ye*, R.T.Waldron, A.Lugea, X.Sun, J.Sinnett-Smith, O.J.Hines, S.J.Pandol, E.Rozengurt, G.Eibl.

This original research paper reported that a combination of low dose simvastatin and low dose metformin inhibited pancreatic cancer development in a mouse model. This effect was only seen in male mice. Our results may be of translational importance for future clinical trials testing the efficacy of metformin and simvastatin in preventing pancreatic cancer progression in humans. The Scientific Reports is an open-access journal publishing original research from all areas of life sciences. It is part of the prestigious Nature Research journal family.

Presentations in 2023

American Pancreatic Association
San Diego, CA, November 15-18, 2023

“Linking pancreatitis, oxidative stress, and lipid metabolism in pancreatic cancer progression: a new avenue to early intervention.”
L.Antonucci, A.Duran, I.Cobo, K.Watari, C.Nicoletti, S.Nandi, L.Caputo, G.Eibl, A.M.Lowy, G.Hatzivassiliou, P.Tamayo, Y.Wu, R.Sears, C.Glass, D.Scott, L.Alexandrov, P.Puri, D.Dawson, Y.Hu, M.Diaz-Meco, J.Moscat, M.Karin

“Low dosage combination treatment with metformin and simvastatin inhibits obesity promoted pancreatic cancer development in male KrasG12D mice.” 
Y.Teper, L.Ye, R.Waldron, A.Lugea, X.Sun, J.Sinnett-Smith, J.Hines, S.Pandol, E.Rozengurt, G.Eibl

“Combined Simvastatin and Metformin Treatment Targets Growth and Fibroinflammatory Responses in Pancreatic Stellate Cells.”
R.Waldron, L.Huo, E.Rozengurt, G.Eibl, S.Pandol, A.Lugea