Translational Research

The Ronald S. Hirshberg Translational Pancreatic Cancer Research Laboratory opened in February of 1998 at the University of California, Los Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine. Under the direction of Dr. Guido Eibl, the Translational Research Laboratory remains at the forefront of cutting-edge investigations into treatment, cancer biology, and potential preventive measures. Dr. Eibl and his lab continue to examine the intricate ways in which diet, obesity, and inflammation can accelerate pancreatic cancer development.

The laboratory engages in scientific research designed to:

  • Identify and understand the causes and risk factors of pancreatic cancer
  • Facilitate the early detection of pancreatic cancer
  • Test preventive and therapeutic strategies for pancreatic cancer

Ultimately, these research goals will help to find a cure for pancreatic cancer and to extend the lives of those diagnosed with this disease.

Current Projects:

  • Obesity, visceral adipose tissue, diabetes and pancreatic cancer
  • Inflammation and immune responses in pancreatic cancer
  • Inflammatory signaling pathways in pancreatic cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer disease progression and development
  • Animal models of pancreatic cancer
  • Nutritional and drug-based interventions for obesity-associated pancreatic cancer

Laboratory Director: Guido Eibl, MD

  • Professor, Department of Surgery, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
  • Director of Surgical Research, Division of General Surgury

Laboratory co-Director: O. Joe Hines, MD, FACS

  • Professor and Chief, Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
  • Robert and Kelly Day Chair in General Surgery
  • Director Surgery Residency Program

Current laboratory members:

Yaroslav Teper, PhD
Mineh Markarian