The Hirshberg Foundation is excited to have Dr. Margaret Tempero joining us at the 14th Annual Symposium on Pancreatic Cancer to share important information about what you need to know and understand once diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and the best treatment options that are available.
Margaret A. Tempero, MD, is Director, UCSF Pancreas Center and Leader of the UCSF Pancreas Cancer Program. She oversees a full portfolio of projects from risk assessment to early detection, biology, and therapeutics in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Dr. Tempero’s personal research career has focused on pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), especially in the area of investigational therapeutics. She was a pioneer in the use of antibody-based therapies and helped develop the fixed dose rate concept for gemcitabine. Her group has developed effective gemcitabine combinations and provided a foundation for using CA19-9 as a surrogate for survival in clinical trials, and currently is assessing molecular subtypes and molecular enrichment for selecting new drugs for clinical evaluation.
Dr. Tempero directed the first Gastrointestinal Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (GI SPORE) devoted to pancreatic cancer when she was on the faculty of the University of Nebraska and subsequently led the NCI funded U54 Molecular Target Assessment Team at UCSF. She is currently a DreamTeam P.I. on a Stand Up To Cancer grant entitled “Transforming pancreatic cancer from a death sentence into a treatable disease.” As a thought leader, Dr. Tempero organized the first Pancreas Cancer Think Tank in 1999 and co-led the NCI sponsored Progress Review Group on Pancreatic Cancer in 2000. She has served as the Chair of the NCCN Guidelines Panel on Pancreatic Cancer since 2000. She also serves as co-chair on the Pancreas Task Force Tissue Acquisition Working Group for the NCI intergroup and co-organized the State of the Science meeting on pancreatic cancer at the NCI.
Dr. Tempero has extensive experience in scientific review and administration, training and oversight. It is an honor to have her present Navigating from Diagnosis to Treatment at the 14th Annual Symposium.