Treatment Decisions: Questions to Ask Your Doctors

Ensuring your comfort with the cancer treatment you select is crucial. This process begins by engaging in open and candid discussions with your healthcare team. It’s common to struggle with which questions to ask or to forget them during appointments. The following set of questions, originally featured in the NCCN Guidelines for Patients, aims to empower you with information. Whether you use these or create your own, gaining clarity on your treatment goals and expectations is essential.

Questions about cancer testing

  1. What tests will I have?
  2. Do the tests have any risks?
  3. Do I need to do anything to prepare for testing?
  4. Should I bring someone with me to the appointments?
  5. Where do I go for testing and how long will it take?
  6. If any of the tests hurt, what will you do to make me comfortable?
  7. How soon will I know the results, and who will explain them to me?
  8. How can I get a copy of the pathology report and other test results?
  9. Is there an online portal with my test results?

Questions about treatment options

  1. What are my treatment options?
  2. Is a clinical trial an option for me?
  3. What will happen if I do nothing? 
  4. Are you suggesting options other than what NCCN recommends? If yes, why?
  5. How do my age, sex, overall health, and other factors affect my symptoms?
  6. What if I am pregnant or planning to become pregnant?
  7. Does any option offer a cure or long-term cancer control?
  8. What are the side effects of the treatments?
  9. How do I get a second opinion?
  10. How long do I have to decide about treatment and is there a social worker or someone who can help me decide?

Questions about what to expect

  1. Does this hospital or cancer center offer the best treatment for me?
  2. Do I have a choice of when to begin treatment?
  3. How long will treatment last?
  4. Whom should I contact with questions or concerns if the office is closed?
  5. How will you know if treatment is working?
  6. What are the chances of the cancer worsening or returning?
  7. What follow up care is needed after treatment?
  8. What happens if treatment stops working?

Questions about side effects

  1. What are the possible complications and side effects of treatment?
  2. Does the cancer itself cause any side effects?
  3. Which side effects are most common and how long do they usually last?
  4. Which side effects are serious or life-threatening?
  5. Are there any long-term or permanent side effects?
  6. What symptoms should I report right away and whom do I contact?
  7. What can I do to prevent or relieve the side effects of treatment?
  8. Do any medications worsen side effects?
  9. Do any side effects lessen or worsen in severity overtime?
  10. Will you stop or change treatment if there are serious side effects?

Questions about clinical trials

  1. Do you recommend that I consider a clinical trial for treatment?
  2. How do I find clinical trials in which I can participate?
  3. What are the treatments used in the clinical trial?
  4. Has the treatment been used for other types of cancer?
  5. What are the risks and benefits of this treatment?
  6. What side effects should I expect, and how will they be managed?
  7. How long will I be in the clinical trial?
  8. Will I be able to get other treatment if this doesn’t work?
  9. How will you know if the treatment is working?
  10. Will the clinical trial cost me anything?

Questions about your care team’s experience?

  1. What is your experience, as well as your team’s experience, with treating my type of cancer?
  2. How many patients like me (of the same age, gender, race) have you treated?
  3. Will you be consulting with experts to discuss my care? Whom will you consult?
  4. Is this treatment (or procedure) a major part of your practice? How often have you done this treatment (or procedure) in the last year?
  5. How many of your patients have had complications? What were the complications?

Questions about supportive care?

  1. What supportive care and services are available to me and my caregiver?
  2. Are there any programs to help pay for out-of-pocket costs of cancer care?
  3. Does this center provide transportation to and from appointments? What about childcare during health care appointments?
  4. Is there help for basic needs like food and housing?
  5. Where can I get legal advice? Is my job legally protected if I take a leave from work?
  6. Who can help me cope with stress? Is there a support group that would be a good fit for me?
  7. Who can advise me and my family about end-of life concerns?

We are here to help. For more support throughout your cancer journey, please contact us.