The Hirshberg Laboratories at UCLA

As we commemorate 25 years of progress in the field of pancreatic cancer research, we take a moment to reflect on where we started. When the Hirshberg Foundation was established in 1997, it was organized around five mission pillars. To date, we have accomplished 4 of those 5 goals, with “a cure” being the final piece.

One mission pillar is

To create a premier Pancreatic Cancer Center where all needs of pancreatic cancer patients can be met in one location with the most advanced treatment options.

The work of our UCLA Labs is bringing that goal to life. Learn more about the collaboration and progress happening at our UCLA laboratories.

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Just a few months after Ronnie passed away from pancreatic cancer, Agi connected with the doctors who had treated him to establish a research program at UCLA. In February 1998, the Ronald S. Hirshberg Translational Pancreatic Cancer Research Laboratory was opened, the first lab dedicated solely to pancreatic cancer research. Shortly thereafter, the Basic Research chair was created and Dr. Enrique Rozengurt was appointed to this distinguished position. In 2019, with the recruitment of Dr. Miklos Sahin-Toth, the Hirshberg research centers at UCLA grew to encompass three laboratories.

These three laboratories are located in the same building, with two of the labs side-by-side to generate new ideas and foster collaboration. The research being done at these labs is also shared and directly applicable to patients being treated through the UCLA Agi Hirshberg Center for Pancreatic Cancer Diseases. This deeply collaborative, integrated approach to holistic patient care was a dream in 1997. Thanks to the tireless efforts of researchers, donors, physicians, families, supporters and entire extended network of Hirshberg Foundation family, this dream is now a world-renowned reality.

The mission pillar of a “premier pancreatic cancer center” has guided our work. The progress that has been made through research at the UCLA Labs has influenced pancreas-focused institutions across the globe, and has driven research towards a cure. After 25 years of milestones, we are more committed than ever to our motto “Never Give Up: Finding a Cure is Worth Fighting For.”